May is National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and Bicycle Safety Month. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) urges drivers of all other vehicles and all road users to safely "share the road" with motorcyclists.
Motorcyclists can increase their safety by following ...
2023 marked the fourteenth year of the California Office of Traffic Safety’s (OTS) Annual Traffic Safety Study. The study is intended to create a better understanding of trends in traffic safety behaviors and help focus traffic safety programs, which include enforcement efforts along with public education campaigns to ensure they are effective in targeting areas with disproportionate traffic safety injuries. The survey is sponsored by the OTS and administered by Ewald and Wasserman Research Consultants, along with University of California Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and...
The 2024 SafeTREC Traffic Safety Facts series features the latest trends and data on various levels of traffic safety, including pedestrian and bicyclist safety, drug and alcohol-impaired driving, and emergency medical services.
UC Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) is excited to announce the release of the 2024 series of Traffic Safety Fact Sheets, which feature traffic safety data and trends at the national and state level on twelve...
2023 SafeTREC Traffic Safety Fact Sheets feature recent data on some of California's most pressing traffic safety issues to help inform future road safety efforts
UC Berkeley SafeTREC is excited to announce the release of the 2023 series of Traffic Safety Fact Sheets, which feature traffic safety data and trends at the national and state level on a variety of road safety topics. This series also highlights the Safe System approach to road safety, which...
2022 SafeTREC Traffic Safety Fact Sheets feature recent data on some of California's most pressing traffic safety issues to help inform future road safety efforts
UC Berkeley SafeTREC is excited to announce the release of the 2022 series of Traffic Safety Fact Sheets, which feature traffic safety data and trends at the national and state level on a variety of road safety topics. This series also highlights the Safe System approach to road safety, which the United States Department of Transportation...
Crashes involving motorcycles are a major traffic safety concern in the United States. Since motorcyclists are susceptible to injury during crashes, they comprise a disproportionate share of all injured and killed vehicle occupants. In 2020, motorcyclists comprised 14.4 percent of all traffic deaths in the US.
The primary countermeasures used to address this problem include motorcycle helmet laws and other helmet-oriented programs, rider training and licensing programs, vehicle enhancements, including anti-lock braking technology, rider conspicuity programs, campaigns to increase...
TIMS Update: 2019 Final and 2020-2021 Provisional SWITRS Crash Data
On March 21, 2022 the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) was updated with the final version of the 2019 Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) crash data. In addition, the provisional set of 2020-2021 SWITRS crashes was also updated. Learn more here.
2021 SafeTREC Traffic Safety Fact Sheets feature recent data on some of California's most pressing traffic safety issues to help inform future road safety efforts
UC Berkeley SafeTREC is excited to announce the release of the 2021 series of Traffic Safety Fact Sheets, which feature traffic safety data and trends at the national and state level on a variety of road safety topics. This series also highlights the Safe System approach to road safety. Historically, road safety efforts focused on changing human behaviors to prevent crashes. The Safe System approach reframes...
Crashes involving motorcycles are a major traffic safety concern in the United States. Since motorcyclists are susceptible to injury during crashes, they comprise a disproportionate share of all injured and killed vehicle occupants. In 2018, motorcyclists were 27 times more likely than passenger car occupants to be fatally injured in a traffic crash, per vehicle miles traveled. The primary countermeasures used to address this problem have included motorcycle helmet laws and other helmet-oriented programs, rider training and licensing programs, vehicle enhancements, including anti-lock...
2020 SafeTREC Traffic Safety Fact Sheets feature recent data on some of California's most pressing traffic safety issues to help inform future road safety efforts during the pandemic COVID-19 and Traffic Safety
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a series of public health measures to keep communities safe, like the stay at home order and physical distancing orders affecting operations of schools, restaurants, retail, and other non essential businesses. ...