Street Story
Street Story is a community engagement platform provided by UC Berkeley SafeTREC in English and Spanish that allows residents, community groups, and agencies to collect information about transportation crashes, near misses, general hazards, and safe locations to travel. The tool is free to use, anonymous, and publicly accessible. To promote access to the tool, we offer technical assistance, including workshops, webinars, and one-on-one assistance for communities, agencies, and organizations to use Street Story. Street Story is not a substitute for reporting crashes to the police.
Frequently asked questions
How does Street Story work?
Street Story can be used in any city or county in California and is available for California residents ages 13 and older. The platform features a survey where people can record their travel experiences, including anonymously reporting crashes, near-misses and places they feel safe or unsafe. Once a record has been entered, the information is publicly accessible with maps and tables that can be downloaded. SafeTREC also offers a paper version of the tool for in-person events. Please review the Street Story FAQ Facts Sheet (available in English and Spanish) for more information about how to use the platform.
How can Street Story be used?
Organizations and agencies can use Street Story data as part of qualitative information-gathering approaches for local needs assessments, transportation safety planning efforts, safety programs and plans, and project proposals. In order to help ensure access to the tool, we work directly with community organizations across California to demonstrate how they can incorporate Street Story into existing projects and programs. SafeTREC continually evaluates how Street Story is used and what changes need to be made to strengthen it.
How was Street Story created?
SafeTREC researchers recognized that community members have a wealth of information about transportation safety. Street Story is designed to help residents and community organizations record and understand this kind of information. The program was created by a team of city planners, public health professionals, engineers, social welfare experts, and computer scientists at SafeTREC, with significant input from members of the public, community organizations, city and county agencies, and industry experts.
How does Street Story help communities advance transportation safety?
The webinar recording, “I have the data, now what? Part 2” describes how agencies and organizations can utilize data collected from Street Story to develop findings, action plans, and recommendations.
The tutorial, “Introducing Street Story: A Tool for Community Engagement,” (available in Spanish, “Presentamos Street Story: Una herramienta para la participación de la comunidad”) describes how to use the Street Story tool to submit different report types including crashes, near-misses, hazards, and safe places.
- The Street Story Starter Guide, “Street Story: A Starter Guide for Communities and Agencies,” (available in Spanish, “Historias de la Vía Pública: Guía de inicio para comunidades y agencias”) provides information about what Street Story is, how to enter information, how organizations can use the tool in community engagement efforts, and how people can use the information collected to improve street safety.
How do I contact the Street Story team?
If you are interested in learning about how your community can use Street Story, please email our team at
Encourage your community to share their stories
Flier Templates:Street Story flier templates (available in English and Spanish) can be tailored to your community’s needs and shared online or at any community event. Please review the Starter Guide for more information (available in English and Spanish). If you would like assistance with outreach or promotion, please email our team at
E-blasts and newsletters: Subscribe to Street Story e-blasts to receive program updates, including upcoming safety partner webinars, trainings, funding opportunities for transportation safety projects, and more. Please email our team at to be added to Street Story e-blasts. Sign up for the SafeTREC Newsletter to receive updates about Street Story and additional programs.
Social media: Visit our social media pages to engage and connect with us, as well as to learn more about our research and programs. Follow and tag us @ucbsafetrec on Instagram, X, Bluesky, and LinkedIn!
Request assistance
We offer assistance upon request to organizations in finding ways to use the Street Story tool that fit specific community needs. If you are interested in learning more about Street Story and opportunities for collaboration, please email our team at
Additional resources
- Watch our tutorial on how to use Street Story: English / Spanish
- For more information about how to use Street Story, review our Starter Guide: English / Spanish
- To learn how to set a custom boundary, review the Street Story Custom Boundary Instructions: English / Spanish
- For additional transportation safety resources, please visit the California Active Transportation Safety Information Pages (CATSIP)
Resources from past events
Street Story staff have developed resources on using Street Story to support transportation safety efforts that cover the topics of engaging decision-makers, data collection and analysis, and community engagement using the platform. Organized by topic, the list below includes recordings from past webinars developed and presented by staff members.
Engaging decision-makers
Sep 26, 2024 - In the "Engaging Decision-Makers Using Street Story" webinar, presenters from the City of Tulare and the Altadena Town Council share strategies and insights on how to engage with elected officials, law enforcement, and other governing officials while collecting and analyzing Street Story data to help inform transportation safety projects.
July 11, 2024 - Do you shy away from speaking with decision-makers regarding traffic safety concerns in your community? In this webinar, “Engaging Decision-Makers using Street Story”, participants learned strategies and gained insight on how to engage with elected officials, law enforcement, and other governing officials while collecting and analyzing Street Story data in their community. Our presenters, decision-makers from Tulare and Altadena, also shared their experiences on engaging with community members for transportation safety projects. A recording of the webinar is available.
Data collection and analysis
April 17, 2024 - I have the data, now what? Part 2. In this webinar, participants heard success stories about our Street Story partners, gained knowledge about packaging data, and acquired resources to help better address challenges when collecting and analyzing transportation safety data. A recording of the webinar is available.
September 12, 2023 - Street Story and Perceptions of Safety. In this webinar the UC Berkeley SafeTREC team led a discussion about the importance of narratives and how perceptions of safety play an integral role in traffic data analyses. A recording of the webinar is available.
- May 17, 2022 - "I have the data, now what?" A closer look at data collection, collaboration, and planning between community and governmental agencies." In this webinar, you'll learn how agencies and coalitions collaborate to collect and analyze data from Street Story, an online community engagement tool. The panelists will discuss collaborative efforts and how the data has been used to apply for grant funding and implement projects to make walking, biking and rolling safer in their communities. A recording of the webinar is available.
Community engagement
April 19, 2023 - Using Street Story in Spanish Speaking Communities. In this webinar the UC Berkeley SafeTREC team led a discussion on how Spanish-speaking communities can use Street Story. Participants learned how to enter data, features of the tool, and how to use data to support transportation safety advocacy, community engagement, and planning efforts. This webinar was facilitated in Spanish with English translation. The video recording for this webinar is currently undergoing updates for digital accessibility and will be made available soon. If you have any questions, please contact us at
March 29, 2021 - From Practice to Progress: Street Story in the Field. In this webinar, presenters from the Altadena Town Council, Bike Bakersfield, and WALKSacramento discussed how they use Street Story, a community engagement tool that allows residents to share where they’ve been in a crash or near miss, or where they feel safe or unsafe traveling. In this webinar, learn how local governments and community organizations have been using Street Story prior to and during the pandemic period to support their transportation safety advocacy, community engagement, and planning efforts. A recording of the webinar is available.
February 25, 2020 - Street Story Workshop, Los Angeles, CA. Participants at this workshop, hosted by HCIDLA, the West Latino Resource Center and the California Office of Traffic Safety, will learn how to improve walking and biking safety in their community and how Street Story can be used to share transportation safety stories. Download the flyer for more details.
February 20, 2020 - Street Story 101, Altadena, CA. Had a crash, or near miss in Altadena? Feeling unsafe while traveling? Join UC Berkeley SafeTREC staff at an upcoming workshop, "Street Story 101" on Thursday, February 20th to learn about Street StorySafeTREC staff will demonstrate how to use the tool, followed by an opportunity for you to share your stories. More details Download the flyer
August 7, 2019 - Street Story at Work: How Communities are Using the Tool. In this webinar, you'll hear from UC Berkeley SafeTREC, California Walks, Bike Bakersfield and Humboldt County's Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities how community organizations are learning about local transportation safety issues from their community members via Street Story. The presenters will also share ideas about how you can use Street Story in community engagement activities. A recording of the webinar is available.
July 17, 2019 - Introducing Street Story: A Tool for Community Engagement. In this webinar, you will hear about how Street Story works, and learn about ideas on how you can use Street Story in community engagement activities. A recording of the webinar is available.
August 16, 2022 - "Office Hour" with the Street Story Team. In this webinar, the UC Berkeley SafeTREC team provided a hands-on Street Story small group practice session via Zoom.
- June 25, 2020 - How to Conduct a Walk Audit. In this webinar hosted by WALKSacramento, you'll learn about tools needed to lead and conduct your own assessment of walking and biking conditions in your neighborhoods. The webinar will also highlight elements that should be considered when walking the streets: pedestrian facilities, bicycle facilities, transit facilities, vehicle facilities, and land used to consider when conducting an audit. Jarah Crowner from UC Berkeley SafeTREC also provides an overview of the Street Story community engagement tool. Watch the webinar
Street Story at work
Street Story is being used to complement transportation safety efforts in a number of communities across California. Various groups have used Street Story in a few different ways over the years:
- In 2024, SafeTREC partnered with the Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities (CRTP), a nonprofit organization in Humboldt County, California who aims to promote transportation solutions that protect and support a healthy environment, healthy people, healthy communities, and a healthy economy on the North CoastAs a result of this rewarding partnership, Street Story engagement work occurred across Humboldt County through grassroots outreach at community and educational events, and across various platforms. A data analysis report analyzed approximately five years of Street Story data collected in the county, while the 2024 CRTP Street Story Outreach in Humboldt County Final Report highlighted Street Story efforts like community outreach and promotion.
Street Story can be used as an online hazard report for a public works department or, where such a reporting system already exists, it can be used to supplement the hazard reporting. In Humboldt County, for example, a local nonprofit has partnered with county agencies to use the tool as a reporting system. A nonprofit in Bakersfield has worked with local agencies to use Street Story as a supplement to the separate city and county reporting systems.
Agencies can use Street Story as part of their community outreach to inform their planning. Caltrans District 4 used Street Story to collect community feedback as part of their pedestrian plan outreach.
Community groups can use Street Story to provide qualitative support to community-led improvement efforts, particularly in areas where crash data does not fully show the community’s experience. The community of Muscoy, among many, have used Street Story as a tool to support their local efforts.
SafeTREC has also adapted the tool for use in and by Tribal communities in California. The Tribal Street Story tool will allow for the collection of community-generated data on road conditions and transportation safety issues in and near tribal lands.
Street Story publications
The following publications and presentations describe research conducted by SafeTREC and partners on crowdsourced data:
An Analysis of Perceptions of Civic Engagement Technologies in Transportation Planning. Lectern Session 1263. January 13, 2020. Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting. Kate Beck and Lisa Peterson, University of California, Berkeley. Access the abstract and the poster.
UC Berkeley's Center for Technology, Society & Policy funded research conducted by SafeTREC researchers Aditya Medury, Kate Beck and Jesus Barajas on Race and Income Disparities in Crowdsourced Traffic Safety in 2017.
- Crashes on and Near College Campuses: A Comparative Analysis of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety. Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, Aditya Medury, Camille Fink, Offer Grembek, Kevan Shafizadeh, Norman Wong, & Phyllis Orrick. Journal of the American Planning Association Vol. 80, Iss. 3, 2014.
- Investigating the underreporting of pedestrian and bicycle safety crashes in and around university campuses-a crowdsourcing approach. Aditya Medury, Offer Grembek, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, & Kevan Shafizadeh. Accident Analysis and Prevention (2017),
Overview of Street Story features
Features | Snapshot |
Street Story platform Available in English and Spanish, the Street Story reporting platform allows the public to input information including narratives about transportation crashes, near-misses, general hazards and safe locations to travel throughout California. |
The Street Story Reports feature displays a Report Map that indicates the location of submissions and provides data summaries, charts, and graphs. It also displays a new toggle button to compare travel experiences shared by community members and residents to fatal and serious injury crash data that has been collected by the California Highway Patrol. |
Street Story Reports Available in English and Spanish, Street Story Reports is a feature that provides summaries, charts and graphs about the information that has been collected. It provides a Report Map that indicates the locations of submissions throughout California. Reports can also be filtered by date and provide demographic information of respondents. NEW - Street Story Reports now displays a toggle button that allows users to view crowdsourced transportation data from the platform alongside statewide crash data from the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS). |
The Street Story Reports feature displays a Report Map that indicates the location of submissions and provides data summaries, charts, and graphs. It also displays a new toggle button to compare travel experiences shared by community members and residents to fatal and serious injury crash data that has been collected by the California Highway Patrol. |
Street Story Custom Boundary Available in English and Spanish, the Street Story Custom Boundary feature allows community members and agencies to create and share their own interest area. They can do so by drawing or uploading their own boundary using the drawing tool on the map, or by uploading a shapefile. More information about this feature can be found in the Street Story Custom Boundary Instructions (available in English and Spanish). |
The Street Story Custom Boundary feature allows community members and agencies to create and share their own interest area. |
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.