Pedestrian Safety

Explore our latest CPBST reports!

August 3, 2023

As the summer rolls on, our Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training Program (CPBST) continues to work with communities across the state of California to advance their pedestrian and bicycle safety goals. In 2023, the CPBST program is partnering with 7 new communities to:

review pedestrian and bicycle crash data and safety strategies;

facilitate a walking and biking assessment;

strategize with participants to define specific community pedestrian...

Course Announcement: Fall 2023 Public Health Injury Prevention and Control

July 26, 2023

Course flyer banner showing images of EMT responding to a car crash, a firearm with bullets, and a crosswalk with a crashed bicycle and helmet

Download Course PDF COURSE OVERVIEW Injury is the leading cause of death for ages 1- 44, and the leading cause of years of potential life lost up to...

2022 Statewide Traffic Safety Survey Summary

Cooper, Jill F.

2022 marked the thirteenth year of the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) California’s Annual Traffic Safety Study. The study is intended to create a better understanding of trends in traffic safety behaviors and help focus traffic safety programs, which include enforcement efforts along with public education campaigns to ensure they are effective in targeting areas with disproportionate traffic safety injuries. The survey is sponsored by the OTS while being administered by Ewald and Wasserman Research Consultants along with University of California Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and...

California Traffic Safety Survey 2023: Speeding and aggressive driving, distracted driving, and drunk driving biggest safety concerns

July 3, 2023

UC Berkeley SafeTREC is excited to release the 2023 California Traffic Safety Survey led by Ewald & Wasserman Research Consultants (E&W). This study was conducted on behalf of the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) and the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) at the University of California, Berkeley.

Speeding and...

CPBST 7/11: Promoting safe walking, biking and rolling in Bell Gardens

July 5, 2023

This year, the Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) Program will partner with seven communities throughout California to discuss, plan, and implement active transportation safety improvements. Join us for the next CPBST of 2023 in Bell Gardens on Tuesday, July 11th!


Towards a Safer California: Addressing the Road Safety Needs of Older Adults

Lekshmy Hirandas

With an aging state population, it is crucial to understand the factors that contribute to road safety among adults aged 65 and older and identify at-risk neighborhoods for targeted interventions. In this context, this report analyzes fatal and serious injury (FSI) trends and patterns among aging road users, including older pedestrians and bicyclists, with a focus on identifying neighborhoods at risk for crashes based on senior FSI rates. 2178 census tracts (32.7%) were deemed as being potential at-risk neighborhoods, as they all exceeded the state average senior FSI rate of 120 per 100,...

California Traffic Safety Survey 2023

Ewald, Katrin
Wasserman, Lisa

Similar to the survey waves since 2020, the 2023 California Traffic Safety Public Opinion Study was conducted by Ewald & Wasserman Research (E&W) on behalf of the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) and the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center of UC Berkeley (SafeTREC), with an online self-administered survey. Survey panelists were provided through Marketing Services Group, a commercial sample and panel vendor.

The eligibility criteria for participating in the study were possessing a valid California driver’s license and being 18 years or older. Eligible...

Apply for an in person or virtual Tribal Transportation Safety Assessment!

June 14, 2023

UC Berkeley SafeTREC is inviting 12 California Tribes to apply for the next round of Tribal Transportation Safety Assessments (TTSAs), to be completed by September 30, 2023. TTSA studies will be based on the tribal communities' input about their transportation choices, challenges and opportunities, and can help tribal staff and leadership plan and prioritize safety improvements for all travel modes (walking, bicycling, transit, driving) on tribal roads and pathways, and on roads accessing tribal lands. Tribal staff can also use the TTSA reports in support of their funding applications....

Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS)

The Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) has been developed by SafeTREC's GIS Program team to provide quick, easy and free access to California crash data that has been geo-coded to make it easy to map out crashes and even view the locations in Google Street View.

The following tools are currently available on TIMS:

SWITRS Summary DUI Crash Summary and Map Weekly Crash Trends SWITRS Query & Map SWITRS GIS Map California Safety Performance Measure Target Setting Crash Diagram Safe Routes to School Map ATP Maps...

Pedestrian Crash Hot Spots

Identification Methods for Pedestrian Crash Hot Spots
Research Team:

Dr. Aditya Medury
Dr. Offer Grembek

Funding Organization:

California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)

Publications and Resources: Medury, A., & Grembek, O. (2016). Dynamic programming-based hot spot identification approach for pedestrian crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 93, 198-206.
Study Description:

Network screening techniques are widely used by state agencies to identify locations with high crash...