The Community Pedestrian Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) program is a collaborative project between UC Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) and California Walks (Cal Walks) that seeks to assist communities with three goals:
- Identifying and better understanding their local transportation safety needs;
- Developing and strengthening local partnerships between various stakeholders in their community; and
- Generating a community-specific action plan for improving the safety of active transportation in their area.
These objectives are pursued through pedestrian and bicycle safety training workshops hosted by SafeTREC and Cal Walks in collaboration with community partners. Over 112 workshops have been conducted since 2009, and the program continues to provide trainings in 2022. Planning a workshop involves SafeTREC and Cal Walks working with a planning committee consisting of local stakeholders to schedule the workshop, recruit participants for the workshop, and work with the participants to develop a unique action plan with short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals for improving walking and biking safety and mobility (Leckie et al., 2021). A major feature of the workshop is an assessment of pedestrian and bicycle conditions in areas of interest in the community.
Building off the survey sent in 2021, the project team wanted to learn about local progress in follow-up action planning and gauge interest in the project team assisting in implementing action items or conducting additional workshops. The survey included closed-ended questions, which have a designated amount of answer choices provided, and open-ended questions to gather more detail from respondents.