Complete Streets

Complete Streets Safety Assessments

Complete Streets Safety Assessment Program

SafeTREC offers free technical assistance to communities across California to make safe spaces for people to walk and bike. This year, the Complete Streets Safety Assessment program offers two unique tracks to better support communities’ safety needs.

Complete Streets Safety Assessment (CSSA)

Safe Speed Limits Assessment (Safe Speed Limits)

These programs are free and available to communities across California. Specific eligibility varies by...

SafeTREC Spotlight: Afsaneh Yavari

March 22, 2021

Welcome back to the SafeTREC Spotlight Series where we highlight a SafeTREC team member and share their stories, work and interest in the transportation and safety research realm. In today's post, meet Afsaneh Yavari, Research and Development Engineer.

Can you share a little bit about yourself and your role at SafeTREC?

I am from Iran and moved to Milwaukee, WI in 1978 when I was in high school. I got both B.S. and Master’s degrees from University of WI-Milwaukee. Both degrees are in Civil Engineering, with an emphasis in Transportation Engineering. I am a registered Traffic...

Evaluate the Safety Effects of Adopting a Stop-as-Yield Law for Cyclists in California

Iman Mahdinia
Julia B. Griswold
Rafael Unda
Soheil Sohrabi
Offer Grembek

The escalating number of injuries and fatalities among cyclists is a pressing safety concern. In the United States, communities are actively seeking strategies to boost cyclist safety, with some states implementing bike-specific policies, such as stop-as-yield laws, to support cyclists. Stop-as-yield laws allow cyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs. The laws are not yet widely implemented, and their potential safety impact is a subject of debate among transportation experts and advocates. This study investigates how stop-as-yield laws can positively or negatively affect safety and...

Explore the newest 2024 CPBSP reports from communities across California!

July 25, 2024

This year, the Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program (CPBSP)(link is external) is partnering with 8 new communities and 5 previous communities to help advance their pedestrian and bicycle safety goals: Altadena, Bakersfield, El Sereno, Jurupa Valley, Kingsburg, Knights Landing, Lamont, Orange Cove, Oxnard, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Tulare. After months of hard work, the program published...

Mobility Safety for California’s Affordable Housing Residents: Co-locating Improvements

Kyler Blodgett

California is rapidly building affordable housing, much of which is dedicated to specific populations like seniors, families, and formerly unhoused residents. However, these groups have unique mobility safety concerns as vulnerable road users and are often left out of current policies and funding programs that link housing and transportation. This research brief explores the gap in the literature and California’s policy priorities related to residents’ mobility and housing. It then analyzes data for Alameda County, finding that approximately 40% of government-funded affordable developments...

7/16 CSSA Peer Exchange: Funding and the Importance of Public Involvement in Implementing Suggestions

June 27, 2024
Funding and the Importance of Public Involvement in Implementing Suggestions

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am PT | Register for the Peer Exchange

UC Berkeley SafeTREC is excited to announce our 2024 online peer exchange session as part of the Complete Streets Safety Assessment (CSSA) program on how local agencies are successfully...

Research Brief: Mobility Safety for California’s Affordable Housing Residents: Co-locating Improvements

June 26, 2024
New research brief highlights mobility safety needs for California’s affordable housing residents and provides recommendations to better connect mobility safety improvements with anticipated affordable housing developments.

A new research brief, Mobility Safety for California’s Affordable Housing Residents: Co-locating Improvements, authored by UC Berkeley SafeTREC's Kyler Blodgett explores how California is rapidly building affordable housing, yet...

The 2024 CSSA: Partnering with 16 communities to advance Complete Streets safety improvements

March 29, 2024

This year as part of SafeTREC's Complete Streets Safety Assessment Program (CSSA) we are excited to share that we will be partnering with 16 communities throughout California to identify and implement traffic safety solutions that lead to improved safety for all users.

Participants at the Santa Cruz Complete Streets Safety Assessment conducting a walk audit

The 2024 CSSA Program


Watch the recording: Toolkit for Safe Speed Limit Setting - New Flexibility Under California State Law

February 21, 2024
Want to implement lower speed limits in your community? Watch the conversation with SafeTREC, Caltrans, and Rock Miller, PE to learn how to get started!

Two construction workers install a 25 MPH speed limit sign on the sign of the road.

Two recently passed state laws (...

July 25 - Implementing Complete Streets Safety Assessment (CSSA) Improvements: A Peer Exchange

July 13, 2023
Implementing Complete Streets Safety Assessment (CSSA) Improvements: A Peer Exchange

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 | 10:00am - 11:00am PT

UC Berkeley SafeTREC is excited to announce a new online peer exchange session as part of the Complete Streets Safety Assessment (CSSA) program on how local agencies are successfully implementing complete streets safety improvements to make walking, biking and rolling safer in their communities. This peer exchange is designed to support...