Bicycle safety

Community Trainings at Work: An Evaluation of Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Trainings

Beck, Kate M.

The Community Pedestrian Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) program trains and mobilizes communities to address pedestrian and bicycle safety and strengthens collaboration with local officials and agency staff. This research brief summarizes an evaluation of the CPBST program completed in 2018.

Why Don't Women Cycle? A Case Study of Women's Perceptions of Cycling in San Francisco

Funaki, Dorry

Safety and women’s perceptions of safety is a prevalent factor affecting the gender gap of cycling within the US. In this study, the use of bike lanes in the South of Market Area of San Francisco found that only 29% of the cyclists were female despite accounting for 50% of the population in the area. This research brief summarizes key issues found in this study of women’s perceptions of safety when cycling.

New Research Brief: Why Don't Women Cycle? A Case Study of Women's Perceptions of Cycling in San Francisco

September 4, 2019

Safety and women’s perceptions of safety is a prevalent factor affecting the gender gap of cycling within the US. In a recent study by UC Berkeley researchers, the use of bike lanes in the South of Market Area of San Francisco found that only 29% of the cyclists were female despite accounting for 50% of the population in the area. A new research brief by UC Berkeley SafeTREC's policy and program analyst Dorry Funaki summarizes key issues found in this study of women’s perceptions of safety when cycling. Read the...

Investigating the underreporting of pedestrian and bicycle crashes in and around university campuses - a crowdsourcing approach

Medury, Aditya
Grembek, Offer
Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia
Shafizadeh, Kevan

In this paper, the non-motorized traffic safety concerns in and around three university campuses are evaluated by comparing police-reported crash data with traffic safety information sourced from the campus communities themselves. The crowdsourced traffic safety data comprise of both self-reported crashes as well as perceived hazardous locations. The results of the crash data analysis reveal that police-reported crashes underrepresent non-motorized safety concerns in and around the campus regions. The spatial distribution of police-reported crashes shows that police-reported crashes are...

Safe Routes to School Launch Communities Receive California ATP Funding

August 21, 2019

We are excited to share this guest blog post by Margaux Mennesson, Marketing & Communications Manager with the Safe Routes Partnership. The original post appeared on the Safe Routes Partnership blog on August 7, 2019.

The Safe Routes to School Launch program, a joint project of the Safe...

Evaluating Research on Data Linkage to Assess Underreporting of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Injury in Police Crash Data

Doggett, Sarah
Ragland, David R.
Felschundneff, Grace

Traffic safety decisions are based predominantly on information from police collision reports. However, a number of studies suggest that such reports tend to underrepresent bicycle and pedestrian collisions. Underreporting could lead to inaccurate evaluation of crash rates and may under- or overestimate the effects of road safety countermeasures. This review examined ten studies that used data linkage to explore potential underreporting of pedestrian and/or bicyclist injury in police collision reports. Due to variations in definitions of reporting level, periods of study, and study...

Register now for a community pedestrian and bicycle safety workshop in Planada, 8/20 and in Blue Lake Rancheria, 9/17!

August 13, 2019

Register now for one of our Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) workshops coming up in Planada and Blue Lake Rancheria to identify priorities to make walking and biking safer for everyone - including seniors, students, parents, and people with disabilities. These workshops train neighborhood residents and health, transportation and safety advocates on how to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety to make California communities safer and more pleasant to walk and bike. Food and refreshments will...

Register now for Street Story Webinar on August 7th

July 19, 2019

Registration Now Open for a Free Webinar with UC Berkeley SafeTREC and California Walks:

Participants at CPBST Workshop using Street Story

Street Story at Work: How Communities are Using the Tool
Wednesday, August 7, 2019, 3pm - 4pm PT

Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training Program Evaluation Report

Doggett, Sarah
Beck, Kate M.
Ana Lopez
Cooper, Jill F.

The UC Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) and California Walks (Cal Walks) developed the Community Pedestrian Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) program to train and mobilize communities to address pedestrian and bicycle safety and to strengthen collaboration with local officials and agency staff. SafeTREC and Cal Walks work hand-in-hand with communities to plan and facilitate workshops that are reflective of each community’s needs and priorities.

This report provides a summary of the qualitative and quantitative methods used to evaluate the CPBST...