Street Story

9/12 Webinar: Street Story and Perceptions of Safety

September 5, 2023

Participants in the CPBST at Westmont High School conducting a walk and bike assessment

Participants conducting a walk and bike assessment near Westmont High School in San Jose, CA

Street Story and Perceptions of Safety Tuesday, September 12, 2023 | 1pm PT |...

Office of Traffic Safety promotes Street Story at Transit Stops

February 9, 2023

In partnership with UC Berkeley SafeTREC, the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) has launched a campaign to promote Street Story at a total of eighty-four transit stops in the cities of Berkeley, Sacramento, Chico, and Redding. The tool is also being promoted via social media for the duration of the campaign. The campaign will be running from January 23rd through February 19th, 2023.

Share Your Street Story


Improving Transportation Infrastructure on Tribal Lands Using Crowd Sourcing Data

September 22, 2022
SafeTREC Presents in RWJF Pioneering Ideas Monthly Forum

On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 SafeTREC Research & Development Engineer Afsaneh Yavari and Co-Director David Ragland presented, "Improving Transportation Infrastructure on Tribal Lands Using Crowdsourcing Data" as part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Pioneering Ideas Monthly Forum. The Forum is part of the Pioneering Ideas Grantee Gathering Place.

Session Overview...

New Resources for Street Story Now Available in Spanish

November 30, 2021

Within the past year, several new resources have been developed for Street Story, an online community engagement tool that allows residents, community groups and agencies to collect information about transportation collisions, near-misses, general hazards and safe locations to travel.


Tribal Street Story

UC Berkeley SafeTREC has adapted its Street Story tool for use in and by Tribal communities in California. Street Story is an online engagement platform that allows residents to collect information on transportation collisions, near misses, hazards, and safe places to travel.

Tribal Street Story


Online version of Street Story now available in Spanish

November 25, 2020

Exciting news! The online version of Street Story is now available in English and Spanish. Also, a paper version of Street Story is available in English and View of report in the Spanish version of the Street Story toolSpanish. To access the Spanish version, click here.

La versión en línea de Street Story...

Introducing Tribal Street Story & Tribal TIMS: New video tutorials now available!

October 29, 2020

UC Berkeley SafeTREC is excited to announce that two new video tutorials are now available as part of the Tribal Road Safety Program! Click on the links below to learn how to use two new tools for advancing road safety on tribal lands: Tribal Street Story and Tribal TIMS.

Tribal Street Story: Online Crowdsourcing & Engagement


Register now for June 25th webinar "How to Conduct a Walk Audit" with WALKSacramento & SafeTREC's Jarah Crowner

June 23, 2020
Join the latest webinar in WALKSacramento's Safe Routes to Parks and Healthy Retail Webinar Series
How to Conduct a Walk Audit

DATE: Thursday, June 25th, 2020
1pm - 2pm PST

This webinar hosted by WALKSacramento will provide participants with tools needed to lead and conduct your own assessment of walking and biking...

New Features Added to Street Story Tool

April 20, 2020

Exciting news! Features around micromobility and infrastructure improvements have been added to UC Berkeley SafeTREC’s Street Story, an online community engagement tool that allows residents, community groups and agencies to collect information about transportation collisions, near-misses, general hazards and safe locations to travel. This information is publicly accessible in downloadable maps and tables, and can be easily recorded and shared with community partners....