Pedestrian Safety

New resource: CPBST Program Workshop Follow-Up Survey Highlights

April 28, 2020

According to the latest traffic safety data from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), while traffic fatalities have decreased 8.3% from 3,884 in 2017 to 3,563 in 2018, the safety for those walking and biking in our communities continues to be a concern. In 2018, there were 893 pedestrian fatalities (a 5% decrease from 2017) and 155 bicyclist fatalities (an increase of 6.89% from 2017). Ensuring that our communities are safe for walking, biking and rolling is key for community health...

New Features Added to Street Story Tool

April 20, 2020

Exciting news! Features around micromobility and infrastructure improvements have been added to UC Berkeley SafeTREC’s Street Story, an online community engagement tool that allows residents, community groups and agencies to collect information about transportation collisions, near-misses, general hazards and safe locations to travel. This information is publicly accessible in downloadable maps and tables, and can be easily recorded and shared with community partners....

Expansion Factors

Expansion Factors
Research Team:

Julia B. Griswold
Aditya Medury
Louis Huang
Robert J. Schneider
Offer Grembek

Funding Organization:

California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

Publications and Resources:

Griswold, J. B., Medury, A., Schneider, R. J., & Grembek, O. (2018). Comparison of pedestrian count expansion methods: land use groups versus empirical clusters. Transportation research record, 2672(43), 87-97.

Medury, A., Griswold, J. B., Huang, L., & Grembek, O. (...

California SHS Pedestrian Exposure Model

California SHS Pedestrian Exposure Model
Research Team:

Julia B. Griswold
Aditya Medury
Robert J. Schneider
Dave Amos
Offer Grembek

Funding Organization:

California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

Publications and Resources:

Griswold, J. B., Medury, A., & Schneider, R. J. (2011). Pilot models for estimating bicycle intersection volumes. Transportation research record, 2247(1), 1-7.

Griswold, J. B., Medury, A., Schneider, R. J., Amos, D., Li, A., & Grembek...

Community Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Trainings Coming Up in March

February 28, 2020

Register now for an upcoming Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) this month in a community near you to identify priorities to make walking and biking safer for everyone - including seniors, students, parents, and people with disabilities! These workshops train neighborhood residents and health, transportation and safety advocates on how to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety to make California communities safer and more pleasant to walk and bike. Refreshments, childcare or child friendly...

Feb. 25th Street Story Workshop in Los Angeles

February 21, 2020
Share your transportation safety stories at upcoming workshop in Los Angeles!

DATE: Tuesday, February 25, 2020Street Story Flyer with image of participants in walk assessment and learning how to use paper version of Street Story.
TIME: 8:30am - 12:30pm

LOCATION: Felicia...

Street Story 101 Workshop in Altadena, February 20th

February 13, 2020
Street Story 101: Give Your Input on Safe Streets in Altadena!

Thursday, February 20th, 7pmStreet Story 101 Flyer with image of participants in walk assessment
Altadena Community Center
730 E. Altadena Drive, Altadena, CA 91001

Had a crash, or near miss in Altadena?...

Register now for a community pedestrian and bicycle safety workshop on March 4th in Pico-Aliso/Boyle Heights

February 13, 2020

Register now for our Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) workshop coming up in the Pico-Aliso, Boyle Heights community to identify priorities to make walking and biking safer for everyone - including seniors, students, parents, and people with disabilities. These workshops train neighborhood residents and health, transportation and safety advocates on how to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety to make California communities safer and more pleasant to walk and bike. Refreshments, childcare,...

Safe Routes to School Launch Program

The Safe Routes to School Launch Program, a joint project of the Safe Routes Partnership and UC Berkeley SafeTREC, was designed to start strong and sustainable Safe Routes to School programs in California communities. Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
