Complete Streets

Register now for June 9th Traffic Safety Peer Exchange: Using Data to Craft a Safety Narrative

June 8, 2021
SCAG's Go Human campaignlaunches new Traffic Safety Peer Exchange Summer Series

Traffic Safety Peer Exchanges graphic with a woman walking and a speed limit sign

The Go Human campaignfrom the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) has launched a new summer series of Traffic Safety Peer Exchanges that aim to convene traffic safety practitioners from throughout the six county...

Applications Now Open for the 2021 Complete Streets Safety Assessment (CSSA) Program

January 26, 2021

SafeTREC is offering free Complete Streets Safety Assessments (CSSAs) to California communities, including cities, counties, and school campuses with a population of over 2,500 people. CSSAs are comprehensive transportation safety assessments that focus on pedestrian and bicycle safety. They help local agencies identify and implement traffic safety solutions that lead to improved safety for all users of California’s roadways.

The Complete Streets Safety Assessment (CSSA)

When a local agency...

Applications Now Open for the 2020 Complete Streets Safety Assessment (CSSA) Program

January 24, 2020

SafeTREC is offering free Complete Streets Safety Assessments (CSSA) to California local agencies with a population of over 25,000 people. CSSAs are comprehensive transportation safety assessments that focus on pedestrian and bicycle safety. They help local agencies identify and implement traffic safety solutions that lead to improved safety for all users of California’s roadways.

The Complete Streets Safety Assessment (CSSA)


Complete Streets and their effect on increasing safety for all road users

Yavari, Afsaneh

Complete Streets is a transportation policy and design concept that promotes safe and convenient access to roadways for users of all transportation modes including walking, biking, driving motor vehicle, and riding public transportation. The Complete Streets concept is a shift from planning and designing streets with motor vehicles as the dominant mode. Complete Streets explicitly ac­knowledges the mobility and safety needs of all road users by all modes.