
Title Author Yearsort ascending Publication type
Rural Road Links: A Review on Current Research Projects & Initiatives Aimed at Reducing Vehicle Crash Fatalities on Rural Roads Quiros, Lesliam; Shaver, Barrett 2003 Technical Report
Intersection Decision Support Project: Taxonomy of Crossing-Path Crashes at Intersections Using GES 2000 Data Ragland, David R.; Zabyshny, Aleksandr 2003 Technical Report
False Alarms and Human-Machine Warning Systems Zabyshny, Aleksandr; Ragland, David R. 2003 Technical Report
An Intensive Pedestrian Safety Engineering Study Using Computerized Crash Analysis Ragland, David R.; Markowitz, Frank; MacLeod, Kara E. 2003 Technical Report
Consequences of Driving Reduction or Cessation for Older Adults Harrison, Ayodele; Ragland, David R. 2003 Journal Article
Bicycle Helmet Use: Workbook and Guide for Evaluating Community-Based Programs Geyer, Judy; Cooper, Jill F.; Ragland, David R. 2003 Technical Report
Pre-Intervention Assessment: UC Davis Medical Center and California Health Care Safety Net Institute Child Passenger Safety Initiative Cooper, Jill F.; Ragland, David R.; MacLeod, Kara E.; Jameson, Wendy 2002 Technical Report
Reasons Given by Older People for Limitation or Avoidance of Driving Ragland, David R.; Satariano, William A.; MacLeod, Kara E. 2002 Journal Article
Alcohol Consumption and Incidence of Workers' Compensation Claims: A 5-Year Prospective Study of Urban Transit Operators Ragland, David R.; Krause, Niklas; Greiner, Birgit A.; Holman, Barbara L.; Fisher, June M.; Cunradi, Carol B. 2002 Journal Article
Cost-Effectiveness of Traffic Safety Interventions in the United States Vahidnia, Farnaz; Walsh, Julia 2002 Technical Report
Safety and Other Impacts of Vehicle Impound Enforcement Cooper, Douglas L.; Chira-Chavala, T.; Gillen, David 2000 Technical Report
Objective Stress Factors, Accidents, and Absenteeism in Transit Operators: A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Evidence Greiner, Birgit A.; Krause, Niklas; Ragland, David R.; Fisher, June 1998 Journal Article
Integration of Light Rail Transit into City Streets Korve, Hans W.; Farran, Jose I.; Mansel, Douglas M.; Levinson, Herbert S.; Chira-Chavala, T.; Ragland, David R. 1996 Technical Report
Traffic Volume and Collisions Involving Transit and Nontransit Vehicles Ragland, David R.; Hundenski, Ronald J.; Holman, Barbara L.; Fisher, June M. 1991 Journal Article