San Pablo Avenue Pedestrian Signal Timing Optimization


The focus of this study is to quantify the sufficiency of “Flashing Don’t Walk” (FDW) intervals at signalized pedestrian crossings in the San Pablo Avenue (SPA) corridor in Northern California. Our goal is to determine if pedestrian signal intervals on the SPA corridor can be optimized in a way that makes the pedestrian crossing environment safer and more comfortable for all pedestrians without diminishing vehicular throughput. This study provides a corridor-wide as well as a city-bycity assessment of FDW intervals on the SPA corridor. We suggest a possible tool to assist traffic control jurisdictions in prioritizing intersections that may require adjustments of timing to pedestrian signals. The findings provide the agencies participating in the “SMART” corridor program a means to evaluate an aspect of pedestrian safety and comfort that has likely been adversely affected by placing a high priority on vehicular traffic through the corridor, without sufficiently considering pedestrian traffic

Ragland, David R.
Publication date: 
April 1, 2007
Publication type: 
Conference Paper