Street Story 101: Give Your Input on Safe Streets in Altadena!
Thursday, February 20th, 7pm
Altadena Community Center
730 E. Altadena Drive, Altadena, CA 91001
Had a crash, or near miss in Altadena? Feeling unsafe while traveling? Join UC Berkeley SafeTREC staff at an upcoming workshop, "Street Story 101" on Thursday, February 20th to learn about Street Story, a community engagement tool that allows residents, community groups and agencies to collect information about transportation collisions, near-misses, general hazards and safe locations to travel.
SafeTREC staff will demonstrate how to use the Street Story tool, followed by an opportunity for you to share your stories.
We encourage you to bring a laptop, tablet or a smart phone with internet access.
Altadena Heritage is holding this free workshop as part of their Third Thursday public programs in collaboration with the Safe Streets Committee of Altadena Town Council.
Download the flyer. Learn more about Street Story.
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.