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July 24, 2018

Welcome back to the SafeTREC Traffic Safety Facts blog series! Each day this week we're featuring recent data on some of California's most pressing traffic safety issues. In case you missed it, yesterday's post was on alcohol-impaired driving.

In today's post, explore SafeTREC's fact sheet on aging road users. Tomorrow, we'll be highlighting the facts on bicycle safety.

July 23, 2018

This week, we are excited to launch the SafeTREC Traffic Safety Facts blog series which will feature recent data on some of California's most pressing traffic safety issues! Each day, we'll highlight the facts for a range of topics related to safety on our roads.

In today's post, explore SafeTREC's fact sheet on alcohol-impaired driving. Tomorrow, we'll be highlighting the facts on aging road users.

July 17, 2018

July 10, 2018

Lemon Grove CPBST

Join us in identifying priorities to make walking and biking safer for seniors, youth, parents and people using assisted mobility devices in Lemon Grove! Please wear comfortable shoes; a community walk is a part of this event for those able to participate. 

July 3, 2018

July 2, 2018

June 29, 2018

Congratulations to Julia BG et al. for publishing a new paper, A behavioral modeling approach to bicycle level of service, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. The abstract is provided below. Read the full paper here.

June 22, 2018

Crash data is readily available and accessible for public use through government information databases. Crash data typically entails vehicle-related injuries and fatalities that were reported to police authorities. But what about unreported incidents--incidents that only require exchange of contact and insurance information, incidents that may not involve an injury  or injuries that might not have been reported?

May 31, 2018

On May 13, 2018, SafeTREC founder and co-director David R. Ragland was honored with the Zak Sabry Mentorship Award at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health Commencement ceremony. 

May 25, 2018

Interested in learning how to make walking and biking to and from school safer for kids and residents? We have two Safe Routes to School Workshops coming up in Southeast Fresno and Pomona. Registration now open!


Walking and Bike Summit

Bike Train at School

May 15, 2018

As part of our Focus Cities Program, Los Angeles Walks will be hosting a Walking Safety Assessment on Wednesday, May 23 in Los Angeles in partnership with California Walks and the Youth Policy Institute. Join us to learn more about how to make walking and biking safer around the Santa Monica Boulevard Community Charter School!

May 9, 2018

Join us for the next Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) in Eureka! UC Berkeley SafeTREC and California Walks will be hosting a workshop on how to make walking and biking safer near Zane Middle School on Tuesday, May 22.


DATE/TIME: Tuesday, May 22, 2018; 2:45pm-6:00pm
LOCATION:  Zane Middle School, 2155 S. Street, Eureka, CA
Register online at

May 7, 2018

Join SafeTREC and the Safe Routes to School National Partnership on Wednesday, May 23 to learn about how to make walking and rolling safer for kids in the Delhi community! Dinner, childcare, and interpretation will be available. Registration now open!

April 26, 2018

Whether rural, suburban or urban dweller, transportation for older adults is a critical lifeline to meet the needs of daily living, maintain independence and enable social connection.

Walking and bicycling are important transportation alternatives to motor vehicle travel. They are also important sources of physical activity and social connectedness for older adults.

Making communities age-friendly and transportation systems supportive of walking and bicycling for older adults is incredibly important as we consider the following statistics:

April 25, 2018

Interested in learning how to make walking and biking safer in Bakersfield? Register now for the latest Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) on Thursday, May 10th!

April 12, 2018

Join SafeTREC and the Safe Routes to School National Partnership on Friday, April 27 to learn about how to make walking and rolling safer for kids in Modesto's Airport Neighborhood! This will be the first Safe Routes to School Launch Workshop of 2018. Registration now open!

April 9, 2018

Save the date for the Safe Systems Summit on September 13-14, 2018!

March 29, 2018

April 1 - 7, 2018 is California Teen Driver Safety Week

According to recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), crashes are still the leading cause of teen deaths. In 2016, there were 1,908 young drivers aged 15 to 20 years old killed in motor vehicle crashes in the United States. In California that year, there were 473 young driver fatalities.

March 28, 2018

Interested in learning how to make walking and biking safer in Kern County? Register now for the latest Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) in the City of Arvin on Friday, April 20th!


DATE/TIME: Friday, April 20, 2018; 3:00pm-6:30pm
LOCATION: Haven Middle School, 341 Haven Dr., Arvin, CA
REGISTRATION: register online at or text/call: (714) 742-2295.

March 21, 2018

The Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) has been updated with 2017 SWITRS data!

ATP Hex Map graphic