Safe System

SafeTREC at the 2023 California Traffic Safety Summit - register now

October 26, 2023

Event graphic with the OTS and AAA logos to the left, and "California Traffic Safety Summit, November 7-8, 2023, Hyatt Regency Orange County to the right

Power of Data to Transform Roadway Safety Wednesday, November 8, 2023 | 10:45am - 12:15pm

Join SafeTREC Safety Data and Tools Lead and Acting Co-Director SangHyouk Oum for the panel session, "Power of Data to Transform Roadway Safety" on...

Register now for the 2023 Mobility Summit on November 3, 2023

October 25, 2023

Graphic with Haas Transportation & Mobility Club in black text on a yellow background

Join SafeTREC Safety Research Lead and Acting Co-Director Julia Griswold for the panel session, "Vision Zero: Closing the Loop on Safety and Equity" on Friday, November 3, 2023 at the 2023 Mobility Summit, UC Berkeley's flagship annual mobility conference sponsored by the Haas Transportation & Mobility Club...

Community Engagement at the Intersection of Public Health and Transportation: Highlighting Community Based Organizations’ Use of the Promotores Model for Engaging Community Members in the Field of Transportation

Ana Lopez

Under federal statutes, transportation planners have an obligation to actively engage community members and to conduct equity-based analyses on transportation plans to ensure that people of color, low-income people, and other historically disenfranchised groups are neither disproportionately burdened nor denied the benefits of transportation investments. Planning professionals have an ethical and moral responsibility to involve and engage the communities they serve—to intentionally center community members in planning decision-making processes regarding their communities and ensure equity...

Understanding Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Trends in the Post-Pandemic Era

Understanding Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Trends in the Post-Pandemic Era
Research Team

Principal Investigators:

SangHyouk Oum, Julia Griswold, Iman Mahdinia, University of California, Berkeley

Funding Organization

Center for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety (CPBS)


This project aims to analyze trends in pedestrian and bicyclist crashes and deaths in the post-pandemic era and investigate the underlying factors...

A Context-Sensitive Street Classification Framework for Speed Limit Setting

A Context-Sensitive Street Classification Framework for Speed Limit Setting
Research Team

Principal Investigators:

Julia Griswold, University of California, Berkeley
Robert J. Schneider, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Funding Organization

Center for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety (CPBS)


Historically, speed limit setting (SLS) procedures in many states have relied on driver-behavior-based approaches such as...

Creating a Data Resource of California Police Stops for Use in Traffic Safety Applications

Creating a Data Resource of California Police Stops for Use in Traffic Safety Applications
Research Team

Principal Investigator:

Julia Griswold, University of California, Berkeley

Funding Organization

Center for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety (CPBS)


Traffic stops are one the most common ways in which the American public interacts with police. Although one of the leading reasons given for police traffic stops is a...

The Influence of Alcohol Outlet Proximity on Pedestrian Injury Incidence: Insights from Literature

Aqshems Nichols
Jill F. Cooper
Katherine L. Chen

Preventing roadway deaths and injuries due to motor vehicle crashes continues to be a prevailing public health challenge in the United States. Included in this challenge is improving the safety of pedestrians on street and road networks. Researchers and other professionals continue to develop best practices for ameliorating the outcomes of pedestrian crashes by conducting studies that examine why these crashes occur and what steps can be taken to prevent them in the future. To do this, many researchers have employed a systems approach to addressing pedestrian safety by acknowledging that...

Towards a Better Understanding of Best Implementation Practice for the Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training Program

Aqshems Nichols
Areli Ariana Balderrama
Katherine L. Chen

The Community Pedestrian Safety Training Program (CPST), funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), was established in 2009 to help promote informed community awareness, advocacy, planning, and programming in reducing pedestrian injuries and fatalities. Originally considering pedestrian safety only, the program was expanded to include bicycle safety in 2016 and became known as the Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training Program (CPBST). The program is a statewide project of the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC), a research center created in...

CPBST 9/19: Promoting safe walking, biking and rolling at Cal Poly Pomona

August 31, 2023

This year, the Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) Program will partner with seven communities throughout California to discuss, plan, and implement active transportation safety improvements. Join us for the last CPBST of 2023 at Cal Poly Pomona on Tuesday, September 19th!


Join us for an upcoming Comunidades Activas y Seguras workshop in Lamont and Fresno!

August 8, 2023

Join program partners UC Berkeley SafeTREC and California Walks for an upcoming Comunidades Activas y Seguras (CAyS) workshop in the following communities:

Community Date Flyer Lamont, Kern County Friday, August 11, 2023 | 5:00pm - 8:00pm English |...