Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian Injury/Fatality: Impact of Ethnicity and Low Income

Pedestrian Injury/Fatality: Impact of Ethnicity and Low Income—A Research Synthesis of the Literature

Research Team

Principal Investigator
David R. Ragland
University of California, Berkeley

Funding Organization

UC Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS)


This project will conduct a thorough review of articles/reports documenting risk patterns for pedestrian injury for Black, Hispanic, and Native American populations, including data sources (FARS or...

Explore the Tools and Latest Updates on the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS)

March 23, 2022
TIMS Update: 2019 Final and 2020-2021 Provisional SWITRS Crash Data

On March 21, 2022 the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) was updated with the final version of the 2019 Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) crash data. In addition, the provisional set of 2020-2021 SWITRS crashes was also updated. Learn more here.


Apply now for a Community Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Training!

January 21, 2022
Creating safer streets for walking & biking: apply for a CPBST in your community!

UC Berkeley SafeTREC and California Walks are excited to announce applications are now being accepted for the 2022 Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) Program!


Conducting Community Engagement with a Safe System Lens

October 20, 2021
New policy brief addresses how to apply the Safe System approach to community engagement

Few resources, if any, address how to apply the Safe System framework in community engagement and planning efforts. In a new policy brief, "Conducting Community Engagement with a Safe System Lens" UC Berkeley SafeTREC's Senior Policy & Program Analyst Katherine L. Chen and Co-Director Jill F. Cooper provide an overview of how the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Safe System elements and principles...

Conducting Community Engagement with a Safe System Lens

Katherine L. Chen
Jill F. Cooper


Over 3,600 people died in traffic crashes in California in 2019; more than one in four people who died was a pedestrian or bicyclist (NHTSA). The burden of death and injury is unequally distributed - based on mode type, on race and ethnicity, and on income - as a consequence of historic and structurally inequitable funding and policy decisions (Archer, Sandt, Santana). Our current road network is a dichotomy of areas that connect people to things they need and underserved communities with restricted mobility. The Safe System approach offers...

Tribal Transportation Safety Assessments (TTSA)

Tribal Transportation Safety Assessment (TTSA) State Planning Research (SPR)

Participants in Happy Camp safety assessment

UC Berkeley SafeTREC conducted Tribal Transportation Safety Assessments (TTSA) for seven (7) California Native American Tribes. The Tribal Transportation Safety Assessment (TTSA) - State Planning Research (SPR) was funded by the ...

New Resources for Street Story Now Available in Spanish

November 30, 2021

Within the past year, several new resources have been developed for Street Story, an online community engagement tool that allows residents, community groups and agencies to collect information about transportation collisions, near-misses, general hazards and safe locations to travel.


Explore our new series of transportation safety videos!

October 26, 2021

Since 2019, UC Berkeley SafeTREC has produced a yearly series of brief videos showcasing current and timely transportation safety issues and the research being done at the Center. Click on the links below to explore our latest 2021 series!

Active Transportation Needs Assessments (ATNA)

Active Transportation Needs Assessments with California Native American Tribes

Street assessment

SafeTREC in partnership with the National Indian Justice Center (NIJC) and the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria conducted Active Transportation Needs Assessments for a...

Engagement of Latine Communities in Transportation Safety

October 20, 2021
Rethinking Traditional Outreach and Engagement Strategies

Recently, professionals and policymakers have considered an equity approach not only to reach and engage a diverse, representative group of community members, but to develop plans, projects, and policies that are inclusive of the community. In a new policy brief, "Engagement of Latine Communities in Transportation Safety," UC Berkeley SafeTREC's Policy & Program Analyst Ana I. Lopez, Co-Director Jill F. Cooper, and California Walks' Policy & Programs Coordinator Alma Leyva provide an overview of how engaging Latine...