Pedestrian Safety

SafeTREC Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Research Brief

December 21, 2016

We just released a quarterly research brief featuring newly published research related to bicycle and pedestrian issues.
Please share and distribute to your traffic safety partners.

Spring Research Brief: Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

April 21, 2017

Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Research Brief

SafeTREC staff created a summary on practice-ready research presented at the...

SafeTREC Traffic Safety Facts: Pedestrian Safety

July 26, 2018

Welcome back to the SafeTREC Traffic Safety Facts blog series! Each day this week we're featuring recent data on some of California's most pressing traffic safety issues. In case you missed it, yesterday's post was on bicycle safety.

In today's post, explore SafeTREC's fact sheet on pedestrian safety. Tomorrow, we'll be highlighting motorcycle safety facts.

SafeTREC Traffic Safety Facts: Pedestrian Safety

Everyone is a pedestrian, whether or not walking is one’s primary mode of...

Apply now for a Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training in your community!

November 15, 2018

We are excited to share news of another successful year delivering the Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) Program in partnership with California Walks and local residents, agencies, and safety advocates in communities throughout California! We are continually inspired by and grateful for the work being done to create conditions for safer, more accessible and enjoyable walking and biking in their neighborhoods.


Street Story: Mapping Transportation Safety Issues

December 27, 2017

Low-income groups, people with disabilities, seniors, and communities of color are at higher risk of being injured while walking and biking. Information on the safety needs of these groups is also limited.

To address these challenges, a team from SafeTREC is creating Street Story, an online platform that will allow the public to report transportation safety issues in their community. Residents will be able to enter various types of information, such as photos, voice recordings, near-misses and perceptions of dangerous areas for walking and bicycling. This will...

Street Story Pilot

June 22, 2018

Crash data is readily available and accessible for public use through government information databases. Crash data typically entails vehicle-related injuries and fatalities that were reported to police authorities. But what about unreported incidents--incidents that only require exchange of contact and insurance information, incidents that may not involve an injury or injuries that might not have been reported? As a way to understand perceptions and experiences of safety in communities, UC Berkeley SafeTREC is developing an online data tool that allows people to self-report...

Street Story in Bakersfield

August 29, 2018

This summer, the Street Story team worked with local agencies in Bakersfield and the organization, Bike Bakersfield, to collect community feedback about street safety issues and opportunities in the area.

Demonstration of Street Story in Bakersfield

Community members had the opportunity to get hands-on experience...

Final week of Street Story pilot

July 2, 2018

Street Story Outreach

SafeTREC's newest data analysis tool, Street Story, is in its final pilot week. To quickly recap, Street Story is an online data tool that allows people to self-report incidents, near-misses and transportation safety issues. It was...

Upcoming Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Workshops in September

September 11, 2018

Register now for one of our upcoming Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) workshops in September! These workshops are presented throughout the state of California by UC Berkeley's SafeTREC in partnership with California Walks. The CPBST program trains neighborhood residents and health, transportation and safety advocates on how to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety to make California communities safer and more pleasant to walk and bike.

Join us in the following communities to identify priorities to make walking and biking safer for seniors, students, parents,...

New Publication: Comparison of Pedestrian Count Expansion Methods

September 11, 2018

SafeTREC researcher Julia B. Griswold has co-authored a newly published paper, "Comparison of Pedestrian Count Expansion Methods: Land Use Groups versus Empirical Clusters" with researchers Aditya Medury, Robert J. Schneider and Offer Grembek in the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.

This paper compares two approaches to developing factor groups for hour-to-week pedestrian count expansion factors. The land use (LU) classification approach assumes that surrounding LUs...