Data collection

California Traffic Safety Survey 2021

Ewald, Katrin
Wasserman, Lisa

The 2021 California Traffic Safety Study was conducted with an online panel of California drivers, as in the prior year of data collection. While in previous years, data was collected via in-person intercepts, the 2020 wave transitioned to an online, self-administered survey, a mode that was continued in 2021 to avoid in-person contact in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This report describes the findings of the 2021 Traffic Safety data, with a comparison to previous years of data, which include opinions on traffic safety, distracted driving, bicycle and pedestrian interactions, and...

New Publication: Evaluating the impact of socio-economic contributing factors of cities in California on their traffic safety condition

January 20, 2021
New paper highlights how socio-economic characteristics of a specific area influence traffic safety

Former SafeTREC graduate student researcher and current postdoctoral researcher at the McMaster Institute for Transportation and Logistics (MITL) Amir M. Amiri has co-authored a new publication, "Evaluating the impact of socio-economic contributing factors of cities in California on their traffic safety condition" with researchers Koorosh Naderi, Jill F. Cooper, and Navid Nadimi in the Journal of Transport & Health.

Abstract Introduction

Careful consideration of the factors that...

Online version of Street Story now available in Spanish

November 25, 2020

Exciting news! The online version of Street Story is now available in English and Spanish. Also, a paper version of Street Story is available in English and View of report in the Spanish version of the Street Story toolSpanish. To access the Spanish version, click here.

La versión en línea de Street Story...

Introducing Tribal Street Story & Tribal TIMS: New video tutorials now available!

October 29, 2020

UC Berkeley SafeTREC is excited to announce that two new video tutorials are now available as part of the Tribal Road Safety Program! Click on the links below to learn how to use two new tools for advancing road safety on tribal lands: Tribal Street Story and Tribal TIMS.

Tribal Street Story: Online Crowdsourcing & Engagement


California Traffic Safety Survey 2020

Ewald, Katrin
Wasserman, Lisa

The 2020 wave of data collection for the California Traffic Safety Study was conducted with an online panel of California drivers instead of an intercept interview, as were previous waves of data collection. This decision was made due to the COVID-19 pandemic occurring in 2020, and the need for an alternative data collection mode avoiding in-person contact between field interviewers and respondents. The survey questions and data analysis of survey items presented in this report are similar to previous waves of the survey, including survey items on traffic safety opinions and knowledge on...

California Traffic Safety Survey 2018

Ewald, Katrin
Wasserman, Lisa

The 2018 California Traffic Safety Study is the ninth wave of a statewide representative survey of California vehicle drivers on traffic safety perceptions, distracted driving and level of awareness of traffic safety media outreach campaigns. The following data analyses is based on 1,395 survey responses collected in August and September of 2018.

The analyzed data only includes the valid answers for survey items, while excluding all reported “Don’t know” responses as well as response refusals. For this reason, the valid percentage of responses differs for each question due to the...

Injury Crashes in California During COVID-19: Observations & Questions

June 4, 2020
Preliminary observations and important questions about traffic safety during COVID-19 based on provisional weekly police-reported injury crashes on state highways in California How to study traffic safety in a rapidly changing environment?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an abrupt impact on many aspects of our lives, including mobility. This has a direct impact on exposure (i.e., the level of activity on the roads), but can also trigger other responses that can affect road user behavior. Due to the rapid rate of change there is a need to monitor things...

The California Speeding and Aggressive Driving Study 2019

September 24, 2019

UC Berkeley SafeTREC is excited to release the California Speeding and Aggressive Driving Study 2019 led by Ewald & Wasserman Research Consultants (E&W). This study was conducted on behalf of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) at the University of California, Berkeley.

The 2019 Survey

The Speeding and Aggressive Driving Study 2019 report describes the analysis results of the second wave of a statewide California Public Opinion Survey on driver perceptions on speeding and aggressive driving on California...

New Research Brief: Community Trainings at Work

September 22, 2019

The Community Pedestrian Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) program trains and mobilizes communities to address pedestrian and bicycle safety and strengthens collaboration with local officials and agency staff. This research brief summarizes an evaluation of the CPBST program completed in 2018. Read the full research brief.


Community Trainings at Work: An Evaluation of Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Trainings

Beck, Kate M.

The Community Pedestrian Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) program trains and mobilizes communities to address pedestrian and bicycle safety and strengthens collaboration with local officials and agency staff. This research brief summarizes an evaluation of the CPBST program completed in 2018.