Megan Wier

Job title: 

Megan Wier, MPH, is an assistant director with the Oakland Department of Transportation (OakDOT), with a portfolio that includes delivering large capital projects, planning and policy initiatives, parking management, abandoned auto enforcement, innovative mobility, an equity-driven paving program, and near-term safety measures prioritized to advance safety, equity, sustainability, and transparent governance in the City of Oakland. Prior to starting at OakDOT in early 2020, Megan was the director of the Program on Health, Equity and Sustainability at the San Francisco Department of Public Health, where she worked for over a decade at the intersection of health, equity and transportation in partnership with city agencies and community stakeholders, and she co-chaired San Francisco’s Vision Zero Task Force to eliminate traffic deaths from its inception.  Throughout her career, Megan has contributed to efforts to prioritize safety, health, and equity in transportation decision making at local, regional, state, and national levels.  She has a Master of Public Health from UC Berkeley and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Women’s Studies from the University of Michigan.

Starting in Fall 2024, Megan is a lecturer at UC Berkeley and co-teaching a School of Public Health course on injury prevention and control — with a focus on injuries that occur in the transportation system.
