On April 21, 2022, the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) San Diego Chapter held their virtual April 2022 Luncheon, "Setting Speed Limits for Safety." The event included presentations with SafeTREC Co-Director Offer Grembek, "The Safe System Approach: Considerations for Speed Limits and Management" and with Zoubir Oudah, County Traffic Engineer with the County of San Diego, "AB443 - Setting Speed Limit to Enhance Safety."
Offer Grembek: The Safe System Approach: Considerations for Speed Limits and Management
Presentation Description
Transportation safety professionals strive to build road systems on which no street user can be severely, or fatally, injured—a goal consistent with Vision Zero, which aims to eliminate traffic deaths. To accomplish such a safe system, it is necessary to effectively harness all the core protective opportunities provided by the transportation system. While many of these protective components are discussed in the academic and professional literature, the topic of safe speeds has always been the subject of much debate outside of professional circles. This presentation will discuss the relationship between traffic speed and safety, and why we need to reconsider current speed limit setting practices.
Photo credit: ITE San Diego