Welcome to SafeTREC's new staff, Krista Nordback!

SafeTREC welcomes new Research Data Analyst Krista Nordback

June 26, 2024

Join us in welcoming our new staff member to the SafeTREC team! 

Krista Nordback
Research Data Analyst

Krista Nordback smiling, facing the camera in a dark red top with a teal blue box with white tessellation design to her left.

Krista Nordback is a senior research associate at the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center with an additional appointment as a Research Data Analyst at the University of California Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC). Her work focuses on bicycle and pedestrian traffic and safety. She has researched non-motorized traffic counting technologies and programs for Colorado, Michigan, Oregon, California, and Washington State departments of transportation as well as multiple cities and regions around North America. She currently serves as the Chair of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Subcommittee.
View of the David Brower Center in downtown Berkeley

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