SafeTREC/UCTC Seminar Dec 5: Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection

December 1, 2014

SafeTREC/UCTC Seminar

NCHRP 07-19: Methods and Technologies for Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection

Frank Proulx
UC Berkeley

Friday, December 5, 2014
12:00 - 1:00 pm

2614 Dwight Way
2nd Floor Conference Room
Berkeley, CA 94720

If you cannot attend in person, you can listen online. Please register at: is external)

VIEW SLIDES: SafeTREC_Seminar_120514_NCHRP0719.pdf

Abstract: In this talk, an overview of the recently completed National Cooperative Highways Research Program project 07-19 will be presented. In NCHRP 07-19, research was conducted on a variety of methods and technologies for collecting bicyclist and pedestrian volume data. Research included a practitioner's survey, in-depth interviews with count program managers, and field testing and accuracy evaluation of six counting technologies. Counters were installed at roughly 15 different sites and evaluated for precision and reliability. The main product of this project is a guidebook on conducting counts of pedestrians and bicyclists, to be published in early 2015.

Speaker Bio: Frank Proulx is a Graduate Student Researcher at SafeTREC, and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Civil Engineering with a focus on Transportation. He holds a dual masters degree in City and Regional Planning and Civil Engineering from UC Berkeley. Prior to graduate school, Frank studied Environmental Studies and Physics at UC Santa Cruz.  Frank's research interests are broadly around non-motorized transportation, with a particular focus on safety. He has worked on a number of projects on data collection for non-motorized transportation volumes and infrastructure, with the long-term goal of developing improved safety models. His dissertation work is on estimating bicycle volumes at the link level to use as a measure of exposure in bicycle-motor vehicle crash risk models.