SafeTREC Seminar Feb 20: Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans in Post-War Suburban Communities

February 17, 2015

SafeTREC Seminar

Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans in Post-War Suburban Communities

Jennifer Donlon Wyant
Senior Associate
Alta Planning + Design

Friday, February 20, 2015
12 - 1 pm, PST

2614 Dwight Way (at Bowditch)
2nd Floor Conference Room
Berkeley, CA 94720

If you cannot attend in person, you can listen online. Please register at: is external)

Post-war suburban communities were designed for efficient vehicle travel with little consideration for walking and bicycling. Developing master plans for these communities requires a context-sensitive approach, a large toolbox, and broad outreach strategies. Jennifer Donlon Wyant will talk about recent master plan developments in California communities and the lessons learned.

Jennifer Donlon Wyant has strong skills in transportation planning and facility design. She manages bicycle plans, pedestrian plans, path feasibility studies, and Safe Routes to School projects. She has also managed many corridor plans integrating bicycle and pedestrian projects into the right-of-way. She has contributed to Alta’s research projects investigating count methodologies and the relationships between land use and bicycle and pedestrian activity. Her expertise is in understanding California’s unique environments and how to provide access while respecting the existing setting.