Join the SafeTREC Team: position open for Traffic Safety Researcher

May 17, 2024

Work with Us!

The Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) is a program of the UC Berkeley School of Public Health and the Institute of Transportation Studies. The Center’s objective is to prevent injuries from traffic crashes through projects encompassing research, training, public service, and policy. We currently have one position open. Please see the details below and upcoming review date.

Traffic Safety Researcher

The Traffic Safety Researcher will:

  • conduct complex analyses across active transportation and safety programs, policies, and initiatives that are being developed at the California Department of Transportation;
  • collaborate with other Researchers and Principal Investigators;
  • supervise data analysis duties of lower-level staff and student researchers; and
  • may also participate on local, state, or national activities and committees and other public forums. 

For more information and to apply, see, job #69155. The first review date for this position is Thursday, May 30, 2024 and the position will be open until filled.

Access the full job description for Traffic Safety Researcher (6257U), #69155.

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