Original post appeared on the Vision Zero Network.
Is your California community eager to explore and implement strategies to effectively manage speed for safety?
The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and the Vision Zero Network (VZN), with support from the University of California, Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) and the Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety (CSCRS), are now accepting Expressions of Interest to select three California communities to participate in virtual speed management training workshops.
This series of workshops is designed to help communities in California initiate and sustain effective speed management programs to improve roadway safety for all users. The workshops are expected to cover the core elements of an effective local Speed Management Program, discussion on how those elements can be applied in the specific community, group problem-solving, and support in developing the next steps toward action.
Applicants should be California public agencies that have the desire and ability to develop and implement a Speed Management Program in their community. ITE and VZN will conduct custom-designed workshops in each of the three communities selected. Timing is planned for Spring/Summer 2021. There is no financial cost for participants. More details and answers to commonly asked questions can be found on the Vision Zero Network website.
Interested public agencies should apply to be considered to participate in virtual Speed Management Training Workshops by completing the linked form by January 27, 2021.